Where Am I?
Most people must think Nebaska is the most boring state in the whole United States of America, but until you've acutally lived here and grew up here, you can't say that. I truly believe Nebaska is the best place in the USA to grow up. Nebraska has taught me to work hard and always dream big. In my short life, I have learned that most people think one of two things about Nebraskans. Either they think we ride cows to school, or we are the hardest working individuals in the entire nation. Most people that have grown up in big citites have probably never seen corn, which I think is so bizzare. I see corn every single day of my life in the summer and fall! Nebraska has also taught me to have passion for what I love. It may be embarrasing to say, but I have mainly learned this lesson from Big Red Football. It's not really even a team, it's more like a religion. Everyone gets so fired about on Saturdays and I love it!
My Community
Living in Nebraska has truly been a wonderful experience for me, but living in Aurora has been a blessing. All the people are so kind and welcoming. I have seen countless times when an individual or a family is struggling and the whole community gets behind them to support them in their time of need. I think it's truly something special. There's no place on earth like it. One of my favorite features of this small town is when you're out and about everyone greets you with a hello and a smile. Virtually every business is family owned and has been forever. I hope to move back here after I obtain a degree in college. Aurora is the perfect place to raise a family. I wouldn't trade my hometown for any other town in the universe.
My School
School, honestly, has shaped who I am today! By this time, my senior year, I have probably spent as much time in this "prison" than I have at my own house. It's a crazy thought, but it's not all that bad. I actually have enjoyed it. I enjoy seeing my friends each and everyday. Sure some days aren't the greatest, but if everyday was sunshine and rainbows I think that'd be kind of boring. It doesn't hurt that I enjoy learning and being challenged. Some kids hate the thought of sitting in a classroom to learn about chemical equations, but I embrace it with the most positive mind set possible. It has been really hard for me to wake up in the mornings, however. The thought of leaving my warm, comfortable bed for the dark, cold, and cruel world just makes me grimmace. Once I'm up, I have no problem with anything else. It's just the first initial push to get up and out of bed. School will forever be a part of me. I will continue to learn until the day I die. I love the thought of that!

My House
My home sweet home. The place where I've learned lessons, morals, and how to be gentleman. I have lived in two houses in my lifetime. Two good sized house. I guess you could say I got lucky to have two actually houses to go home to and two amazing and loving parents under that roof. If I hadn't grown up in a stable home, with loving parents guiding me every step of the way, I honestly think my life would be so much different. That is refering to the bad kind of different. I can see myself in a few years, having a beautiful home of my own with a wife to match and coming back to my old childhood house and just staring in awe at all of the memories that were created in that very house. Of course, none of these memories would have been near as special as they are without the support and denial of my wonderful siblings, Travis and Megan. They made me feel apart of something special when they let me hang out with them and their friends, but also made me a tougher person, physically and mentally with all of the beatings I took for running my mouth a wee bit too much. Oops! I wouldn't trade them for the world, however. They have also made me the person I am today, someone I believe that they would be very proud of. My house is probably the single most improtant thing in shaping me as a person. I love my house and the family it occupies!